ESN United Kingdom

ESN UK is one of the 40+ member countries of ESN and acts as a link between the international level of ESN and the 18 local sections. The National Board of ESN UK consists of seven voluntary positions - President, Vice President for HR, Vice President for Training and Development, Projects Manager, Treasurer, Communications Manager, and National Events Manager - accompanied by a number of supporting positions and committees. ESN UK was registered as a charity with OSCR in Scotland in August 2021. 

ESN UK hosts two National Assemblies per year, each attended by representatives from the UK's local sections. At the National Assemblies, section members meet their fellow ESNers from all over the UK, share best practices, receive ESN training, and vote on new policies and the new National Board.

In addition to National Platforms, ESN UK organises a number of National Trips every year, which all students in the UK can attend. 

ESN UK is regularly represented at the various international meetings of ESN by the National Board and/or section representatives, as well as conferences and meetings in the UK.

More information can be found here.